Spiritual Journey
Sacred Art from Musée Guimet Text by Jean-Francois Jarrige and Jacques GiesThis unique book is dedicated to the Musee Guimet an equally unique museum of Asian art in Paris. Ahmet Ertug, passionate about oriental cultures, took both an intellectual and visual approach in the selection of 240 examples of sacred art whose large-format photographs adorn the pages of this work of art.
Foreword was written by President Chirac, essays by the museum’s President and member of the French Academy Jean Francois Jarrige and by its Chinese section’s curator Jacques Giès, both of whom are acknowledged to be the leading specialists in their respective fields of endeavor. Other essays are written by the curators of their sections. Individual chapters are devoted to the art of India, Afghanistan, Southeast Asia, Central Asia-China, Korea and Japan.
The book is a limited edition available in English or in French.
452 pages, 33 by 42 cms. Hardbound covered with Japanese cloth, presented in a special case.
For further inquiries about this and other publications, please email us at ahmetertug@gmail.com. We regularly ship our books all across the world.
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75001, Paris
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Chelsea, London SW3 2SR
Librairie Bernard Letu
2 rue Calvin
Geneva, Switzerland