Anatolian Carpets
Masterpieces From The Museum Of Turkish And Islamic Arts Text by Walter Denny and Nazan OlcerErtug & Kocabiyik provided funding for the conservation of one hundred forty unique Turkish carpets, nearly all of which had never been published. Ahmet Ertug photographed the carpets using large format cameras to achieve minutely detailed images that will provide connoisseurs of carpets and textiles with an unmatched visual experience. The book has received excellent reviews in leading carpets and textiles magazines. “The most lavish publication of the second half of the 20th century in the field of oriental rugs.” Hali issue 109.
32.5 by 43 cms, 204 pages (140 color plates, 4 gatefolds, and 14 additional detail plates of the carpets). Hardbound in Japanese cloth and presented in a deluxe clothbound box.
For further inquiries about this and other publications, please email us at ahmetertug@gmail.com. We regularly ship our books all across the world.
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Geneva, Switzerland